A Brief History on Concrete

In a world where we don’t usually pay any mind to the ground below us, concrete, which is used in cities all across the world, is actually one of the world’s oldest building materials. And people may take it for granted from time to time, but it actually has quite an interesting history. 


Full service concrete contractors may use concrete every day, but what they may not realize is that they actually have something in common with those who built the ancient pyramids in 3000 BC. That’s right, all those years ago, concrete was an ingredient in the great pyramids in Egypt. The exact type is still debated to this day, but most believe that limestone was used in the mixture.

Great Wall of China

Full service concrete contractors near me? Well they might also have been around the Great Wall of China too in around 800-400 BC. That’s because yes, concrete was actually used in its development as well. It may not be the exact mixture of concrete that is used for city streets today but there were still ingredients in there that are used today like stone and brick. 

Roman Architecture 

When in Rome, find some concrete contractors near me. Today, Rome is one of the top visited tourist attractions in the world. There’s nothing more fun than taking a photo in front of the coliseum. But what many may not know is that there were some concrete elements actually used in the construction of some roman architecture. Sure, Rome got sacked, and the Roman EMpire fell at one point in time, but a lot of the concrete survived, meaning it’s a material that lasts over the centuries. Just ask the Pyramids. 

First Skyscraper 

Concrete Contractors in Fort Worth Tx? They’d probably be interested in knowing that what they use on the regular for work was first introduced to skyscrapers around 1903. That was the year that the first high-rise building saw use of concrete in its construction. It seems like one engineer realized that if the Great Wall of China could last with concrete, why not a high-rise building?

US Interstate Highway

The US Interstate Highway was decades ahead of its time when it’s major work was completed in 1992. First started in 1956, the highway sought to unite states with paths for drivers to get around seamlessly. And it worked. But it wouldn;t have been as successful without the use of concrete. Concrete was a main material in its construction and can still be found in it today.